Civil inattention

Civil inattention is a fascinating concept. I often find myself lost in my own world, focusing on my personal conversations, the people in my life, and what’s going on in my life. But, online, it is so easy to creep and become silently enveloped in a conversation between two almost strangers to you, on lets say a tweet, Instagram photo, or even Facebook wall. I often find myself wrapped up in another person’s life and after a while of this “subconscious stalking”, it feels like you almost know the stranger and you know personal details about them but you have never met or spoken. It is even stranger thing is to think that other people could me having the same experience with your social media page and maybe you are being subconsciously stalked as well. It really makes you think about scaling back on what you share to completely public enterprises.


  1. I do this all the time on social media. Though I have never heard it as subconscious stalking but lurking. From Twitch to Facebook to the News I feel like it is easier for me to lurk. I most of the time on social media just want to see what people are up to and sometimes ill comment but most times I’ll lurk in the background. Most of the time the reason I do this is because I feel like I have nothing to contribute. Interesting concept, like it.


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