Making it Up as We Go Along

As a kid, I was always the one to be enrolled in every after school club/activity so my mom could have some extra time to get dinner ready and work. With that being said, one of the activities I was enrolled frequently over the years of my elementary age. One of the activities/lessons that would always come up would be improv. I always found it very fun to play the common game that starts off with one person each saying a sentence that would create a funny story by the time everyone had a chance to have a turn. I never really put two and two together to think about how we use improv everyday. From conversations with friends, teachers, classmates, to thinking on the fly to make up an excuse. It is something present in our daily lives. We think before we speak but, only to an extent. Most of it just flows out since we have so much practice unlike how much thought I would have to put into each word and sentence in my spanish class because I am not fluent. Tina Fey, my favorite actress touches on this a little in her book, Bossy Pants.


  1. As a fan of everything related to comedy I really enjoy hearing other peoples stories of growing up around improv! There is a reason that we all enjoy being around the funny person in the room and that is simply because they are the most fun person to be having a conversation with! Improv is so helpful with being able to be comfortable in everyday conversations.


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