
In RiP!: A Remix Manifesto, the film highlights and explains the complications behind copyright issues in the music industry. I had never really pondered the idea that music is built off of and inspired by other music. That is how different genres appear and develop. And, with that being said, two songs about different ideas with the same genre could be so similar and the artists could have no idea. There is a very grey area when it comes to what is original and what is not. Sure lyrics are easier to tell if one is copyrighted but beats, melody’s, and tunes are a lot harder. And now, in our day and age sound cloud and remixes and covers are very popular and widespread. What gives someone permission or the right to use others ideas? How do you know if your idea for song is actually as original as you think it is?


  1. Hello Emma, I loved your blog post I think you talk about a very interesting topic. I recently just looked at the collaboration within the musical website SoundCloud. I also did not really think about how much collaboration is present in the world of music. I like how you asked how one can know an idea was really their own… I feel that is a really interesting and important question.


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